Did the people walking by think we were crazy? Maybe. Did Brianna get her workout in for the day by climbing a wall? Yes. Did we get precious mommy and me photos with a beautiful background? Absolutely! Brianna definitely modeled an adventurous spirit, strength, and a roll with the punches attitude for her adorable son Bentley during this Avon Mommy & Me session.

Brianna and Bentley were game for everything I asked them to do, and it shows in the photos! We spent time snuggling, giggling, playing airplane, and listening to music. However, what I loved most about this session was the constant conversation about life, faith, and raising little humans that I got to have with Bri. She is a wonderful conversationalist and truly cares to hear about the lives of others. We swapped stories about the difficulties of having our first babies during a pandemic and also the precious victories in early motherhood. It was such a blessing to be able to catch up on life while also capturing sweet moments for them to look back on in the years to come.

Six month old Bentley is one of the chillest babies I have met! His calm, go with the flow demeanor compliments Bri’s can-do attitude perfectly. He was absolutely designed to be her little boy! He loves the Elmo song and lights up when his mama gives him kisses. Although he usually hates wearing clothes, Bentley did phenomenally well with his suspenders and bowtie– he even wore shoes for the first time during our session! I could not get over his sweet little outfit and his smiles just melted my heart!

You are doing a great job raising this little man. It is completely obvious from the way he interacts with you that he feels safe, loved, and supported. I cannot wait to see the young man he will become some day! Your joy, strength, and love are already showing in his six month old personality. Look out world, Bentley is coming!

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