Joyful. Authentic. Strong. This is Debra Sexton, owner of Fit4Mom Carmel, wife to Ryan, and mama to Parker, Wesley, and Blakeley. Every mom sets the tone for photo sessions, and Debra’s easy-going, cheerful spirit helped our “Mommy & Me” session at Coxhall Gardens to be an absolute success!
So, what did we do to celebrate the relationships between Debra and her kids?
We had a dance party, played games together, raced back and forth to trees, snuggled up, and gave lots of hugs and kisses.

Each of Debra’s children has a personality that is perfectly designed and unique.
Parker observes everything, loves his mama deeply, and has a quiet strength. Though unsure at first, he was my favorite dance party enthusiast (Man, he had all the moves!), and he led Debra in the sweetest slow dance that I can only hope foreshadows the Mother/Son dance they will have at his wedding someday!

Wesley is inquisitive, relational, and perceptive. When asked to whisper a secret in Debra’s ear, he told her what every mama wants to hear: “I love you!” What struck me most about Wesley was his nostalgia the day after our session together. That morning, I received a text from Debra that brought tears to my eyes- I was so happy! Wesley had sweetly asked, “Remember when I ran up to you and hugged you like this yesterday?” as he hugged her and continued, “That was so fun! I love it when you’re happy!” This. This, folks. This is why I do what I do. Memories both created and captured forever.

Blakeley is destined for great things, just like her mama. She is strong, she is opinionated, and her smile exudes joy. Watching her face light up while twirling with Debra and when riding piggyback almost had me lowering the camera to soak it all in. That smile could light up a room!

Thank you for sharing your children with me. You are doing an amazing job as their mama! You are a calming spirit, and your authenticity is refreshing. I am inspired by your passion for others and the support you give to so many women. Keep up the good work!

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