The Cable Family

Walking onto this Fishers Family session, I couldn’t help but smile. Throughout all our communication leading up to this, Emily had been so encouraging and trusting in my vision. “I know I’ve told you a million times already but I really am so excited for our session with you! …and that’s saying a lot because I don’t like getting my picture taken.” This. This is what was ringing through my mind as I saw the Cable family step out of their car looking like magazine models! They had followed my styling tips to a “T” and were completely prepared for our session together.

Encouraging. Prepared. Transparent. This is Emily Cable. Throughout our entire session, she was complimenting and encouraging me as much as (if not more than) I was encouraging her! Emily has a non-assuming way of making people feel completely comfortable and it is reflected in her little family. I think one of the sweetest things about Emily is that she doesn’t hold back on sharing how she feels. When I helped pose them for photos, she complimented ME on making them feel comfortable. When I showed her the back of my camera, she re-expressed how excited she’d been for our session together and that the photos I was showing them made her even more excited. Her sweet comments left me feeling the way I hope all my clients leave our sessions feeling!

Matt is a sweet husband and a great father. Emily can’t help but smile around him and Grayson consistently grins when Matt calls him “son.” It was such a great reminder of the impact parenting has on children even at an early age. Matt has a wonderful “roll with the punches” mentality and was excellent at following posing directions. What I loved most though was watching him interact with his wife and child. You can tell that he loves and leads them well!

Little Grayson Charles is well loved by both his parents, and it absolutely shows in his interactions with them! Even at six months old, he snuggles in tight with his mama and grins wide when his dad lifts him into airplane. To be honest though, his smirky little smile gets me every time! It’s like he has a little secret that he is hiding from me and the camera– I just can’t handle its cuteness!

Matt & Emily,
Grayson is so blessed to have the two of you as parents. I have no doubt that you will continue to raise him into a wonderful young man. Thank you for giving me a glimpse of the family relationships you have with each other!

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