The Davis Family
My mom and I were taking branding photos in the alley behind my house. Harper was napping inside, and the monitor was cranked up to full volume so we wouldn’t miss anything she might need. As we finished up the last of my photos for my website, a mini-van stopped in the alley and a mom rolled down her window asking, “Are you a photographer? Do you take family photos?” Little did I know that this lucky alley spotting would lead not only to a new friendship with my neighbor Christie, but also a beautiful spring Indianapolis family session with her husband and girls.

The more I get to know Christie, the more I admire her as a woman, wife, and mama. I feel like I need a notepad to take notes on all the things she knows about raising littles. She’s a pharmacist by day and can almost always be found outside with her girls in the evening. Her work-life balance is inspiring– especially working within the medical field. She loves on her girls so well and has a calm, even-keeled, “roll with the punches” attitude.

It was so fun getting to know Zach at our family session. He is a fantastic husband and father. The smiles he brings out of all four of his girls speak volumes to his relationship with each of them. He knew exactly what to do to get them giggling and enjoying their time together as a family. Mae was thrown in the air, Eva was tickled and kissed, and Anna was swung ‘round and ‘round. His presence was an integral part of our photo session.

Eva has the cutest “cheese” I have ever seen. Seriously. Usually, when little kids say cheese, it is only the beginning of me getting them to laugh for a genuine smile. With Eva though, she is already giggling while saying cheese and gives her authentic smile to the camera. I love her four-year-old fashion sense of colored socks with jelly shoes, and she rocks a little skirt every time I see her. May she keep her individualism and confidence always!

Anna has the sweetest temperament. I was extremely impressed with her desire and ability to follow directions. Whether it was running up to hug her mama or snuggling up with her daddy, Anna’s little grin stole the show.

Mae loved watching her big sisters run around and is super attached to both her mom and dad. It was so sweet seeing her want to be close to her parents and actively involved with her sisters. She is even keeled and goes with the flow just like her mama.

Zach & Christie,
It was such a blessing to have a front row seat to your relationship with each other and your girls! Thank you for taking a chance on a photographer from the alley and including me in this stage of your family’s life. I look forward to many more park dates and watching our girls grow up together!

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